Friday, September 10, 2010

Trivia, UNSW and blah school.

Cause im a lazy shiet ill summarise everything, i do remember everything i justtttt cbffffffffffff LOL
Well i think ill start with the trivia night
aimee wanted to meet some of my "cool and hot" friends so ... i invited her to trivia night and we had some time to spare so we played bowling and arcade, she thought i was letting her win...*cough cough* i could just be crap! so yes she won one game of bowling and i won the other, yeah fair and square yo. air hockey is harder than i thought... the fact that i got like own goals! hmph. So yeah michael picked us up from my house and like broom broom broom to school and like like inside it was pretty wild filled with boys, it was a good night indeedie the night involved 10 rounds on particular topics which were very shiet for us asians! australian history... urgh. Science wasnt even science! HMPH and the music round we couldnt even hear the music! and the riddles my gosh they were hard but like fadie knew them all!? GODLY! and hrmmmm my table consisted of like 15 asians and fadie.. oh please people thought this was an advantage! not everyone really participated. There were some minute to win challenges and like involved a bidding and i wanted our group to participate but like gosh it went to 20 dollars and no one won! until the final found where they had to win! involved like knocked bottled down with a ball and stocking attached to your head... balancing a ball on a tennis racket to a particular square! my eco teacher was so shifty LOL i love him he helped us but only in the few last rounds his wife was helping the other white people table! cause their daughter was in that team! GOSH! he was so shifty LOL he got us a joker card which is double points but they caught us hmph.
Overall my team came 5th out of the 12 tsk tsk. So hrmmm after this we all got into our cars, lucky charlie brought his tarago because we had alot of people hoho. well really it was just C.MAJGR plus linda aimee shinta and brenda hoho. we went all the way to bonnirig to eat get some Crust Pizza *shrugs* it was good i guess 20 dollar a pizza! *faints* the ride there was quite wild, the first time we were having some "fun" on the streets heh heh heh, we thought charlie was being a dickhead, signalling to random places but really it was the poor navigation in their car LOL. i feel so sorry for phil! cause he has a curfew and always has to leave, he's such a nice boy! hrmmm we just went to eat at johns house and just went home nothing too big. driving aimee home and her house is bigger than i thought, me and michael were very amazed looking from outside!
Broom broom broom, school is shiet! no one is there! like zomg zomg , random stuff happens, really meh not really note worthy, miss o'hara shaved her head for charity but like meh, she did have nice platinum blonde hair but likee she just looks like my english teacher now where she always has short hair tsk tsk. Bro dom keeps telling other teachers of my fascination of the "penis" LOL.
Hrmmm thats all about school so ill talk about UNSW, i dont really wanna go into this reallyy due to ahem personalness which i hope most of you readers perhaps will understand. So in the morning i went to fairfield station and i see bobbi and james like okayyy then they tell me, jimmy is coming and im like ooh nooo LOL and then i hear jimmy missed the train like yes (H) then i hear he got on the wrong train yes (H) LOL. because this day i was gonna spend with kim and in which she was late! she missed her friends, alicia and tim were at the station when i was there tsk tsk. So i get on the trainnn with kim, james and bobbi then i get a phone call from kim pham... and like she on the same train as well! and sat with us, talked and stuff and blah went our seperate ways, gosh the line at central was long for the buses! like zomg zomg but it went pretty fast hoho. So yeahhh just roaming around unsw it was aiight... seemed the same to me as last year. We went into the iCinema thing and it was meh as well 3D gives me headacheeeee, the most fascination i must say would be the 'fairfield market' place as michael describes it with all the artsy stuff, we got a lollipop which kim says is exceptionally yummie. i still have yet to eat it. GOSH THE WEATHER WAS SO SHIET THAT DAY MUST I EMPHASIS! it was raining here and there and just dull, i didnt see much people that day, i saw kim "nguyen" farout and thats about it really at unsw though. so we are waiting for michael and like i see jimmy and he is with jason champakeo like WHERE THE FUCK DID HE COME FROM! i remember in the morning at 8am on msn he chat immediately popped up and he asked me if i was going unsw but i said i was going with kim and yeahh so he tags along with the other guys =_= and aimee quickly came to say some hello's, we were reallyy hungryyy and michael really wasss and like roaming around and we bump into hong,brenda,caroline! where an and nguyensa were in the distance and wagaya was not open *heartbroken* so we went to "wako" a japanese bbq place which the interior was pretty nice but like yeahhhh it was aiight cooking...but i was hungry i would eat this shizz raw! LOL then we went to have icecream but like none of us wanted to pay so half of us leave to go maccas to get a soft serve *facepalm* but the ones that did stay we got a cone at the place. hrmmmm this day was pretty tiring indeed it was. the guys left at about 4 and me and kim stayed to roam around abit more with some shopping, went around qvb and kinda myers we saw roger david so we went there! and like we were looking at a suit and hrmmm the somewhat i would presume gay assistant asked me if i was interested and yeah his physique was similar to mine, very slim LOL ahhh so he gave me the smallest size for the blazer which is like 87? *shrugs* this is my first time trying a suit on beside window, and oh my gosh it felt so nice it was like a perfect fit and just to my liking "slim" LOL. yeahhh but i didnt really wanna strip to try it all on so we just left, but i shall remember this. LOL hrmmm thats about it and we just went home from there *nods nods*
*insert personal stuff* LOL
so yes im waiting at fairfield station for my mama and like i see a familiar car drive past and it was katrina! and like her brother gets out and its like "sup" LOL all cool yo. yeah that was just very awkward in a sense hoho.
so yes this was a quick summary indeedie, ill try and blog more so now since like last week of school im sure some stuff will happen... i hope hmph.

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