Thursday, October 8, 2009

Holidays #2

Today i went parra with gordon, chea, john and michael and it was a good day

so in the morning my rents were home and so like i went to the bank before going station to get my bank account all mine and have access to it, key card should be coming in 5-7 days wooo, today ive noticed great customer service in shops like instantly when walking into the bank and stores for one instance when we were.. in ... *scratches head* i got complimented on my shoes and gordon well.. on their own shirt and amazingly :O:O:O the lady was like cheas whole set of clothing was awesome

hrmmm i also want to mention what i saw before getting on the train, an old man was putting up his thumb as though he was hitchhiking and the traing stopped! magic! :3

and LOL at the train carriage we were in, bunch of tb's like so loud and noisy and when we left the carriage they were full like "oh what's your number?" yeah we walked past and john screams out "TB!!" and we walked proudly away

me and john were starving and we ate first, and we were having discussion while we were eating why wasnt john school captian and that it was rigged, which is true! everyone was on his side, racist!

so basically we just shopped for clothes all day, eventually each of us having something bought, mine was the most difficult to buy :3 i cant help that i dont buy brand name stuff!
gordon came today in t-shirt and shorts AND thongs like full summer attire and its so coldddd like hero la to come like that

today was gooddd ending the day at the jap shop inside westfield near the station where the guys ordered ... chicken katsu don which looked really yummmmy as each of them were struggling to eat it ... me and john just drinking out gloria jeans haha while gordon is taking the button off his pants to make room for it LOL mmhmm

well i was planning to buy a bunnie from a breeder online but i found out from katrina that pet stores are cheaper and would be more efficient to buy so like.. yeah i was convinced to maybe buy from the pet store and yeah the hard task of saying sorry to a seller after 3 weeks of trying to make a sale, always feels bad to do even if its not buying shirt from a store.

well thats it for today, it was a good day i guess mmhmm

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


well holidays has started and ... i need to start remembering to blog

well it started with the friday ... which... yeah just a slept in played some games
playing assassin creed on ps3 to get ready for its sequel
and kingdom hearts 358/2 days on the DS which is fairly good in my opinion being a KH fan

ubisoft (creator of Prince of Persia and Assassin Creed) cannot make a good game =_= but i hope they improve in AC2
1. they both are realllyyyyyy repetitive, im struggling to finish AC1 and... PoP omg 4 bosses? 30 or so areas? gets... pretty tiring wen all u have to do is climb climb collect the "seeds" and get to the boss
2. yeah button mashing, in AC all u have to do is counter and u wont die =_= not like dying is a problem in both games cause u'll be right where u were

enough about games, lets talk about ... the first outness of the holidays
tungs party well... this party was really ...whats the correct term... overhyped and exaggerated? to be good? well... u can get what i mean now
sure it was a good get together but what was really significant about it? nothing much
whats there to remember? nothing much
good way to start year 12? not really
alcohol? what alcohol? cruisers? STOP BUYING CRUISERS SURE IT TASTES GOOD BUT THEY COST ALOT, like fuck 25 bucks chip in ? =_= some people dont even drink which i find really unfair and all they eat is like half a pizza and what a ... nam..nuong and sausage?

conspiracy right there la, party hosters are making profit

well... there is one... thing that i was informed about and that should be left private to the people at the party.. nothing sexual though besides john taking off his shirt to show off his flat belly ;D and ... his still toned back but yeah

hrmmm...the only thing i ... would remember from this party... that the room looked like we were smoking weed cause of the BBQ well thanks to andrew he solved the problem! moving it away from the door =_=
oh oh and... bobbi's extra liquified easy mac my god that looked like vomit

alcohol wise... it was a mystery... because the bottles were kept hidden ie the vodka bottles thats what i wanted... well the jello shots were the "new"

overally i guess it wasnt too badddd had its ups and down, good fun with friends ...

Sunday i went auburn buffet with katrina and her mum and... her mum friends
it... was alright, really chinese influenced for an RSL hrmmm the food was alright not too bad but good i wouldnt mind going there again but i would prefer other places like mounties or bankstown RSL (well i always go there) maybe ill go to another
what i noticed was... the lack of soft drink but a coffee machine which yeah hot water for tea
oh oh and HUGE LINE for what seemed to be... peking duck skin
like hrmmm my first time seeing that and katrina told me its like a delicacy in china, that was nice to know since i like my duck and when i got it it was just a wrap with ... a cucumber slice and like a finger long length duck skin with... i dont know the sauce.. but its like asian and bbq =_= and yeah you can only get two at a time

overally the place was good 19 bucks there for an adult which was abit yeah
next place i will prob... try out is that... all u can eat... was it .. pho? at canley vale that apparently opened that me and chea saw... was it pho...? cause that would be stupid but i think it was
just need to wait for ";D" to comment in my chatbox to fix this part

hrmmm monday... tuesday... and now wednesday... pretty dull holidays ... and the weather is like messed up sunny and 1 hour later rains and sunny the next and then hail like !??!?!?

and today chea tells me at 1pm where i had just woken up an half hour ago tells me to go livo request from jimmy and michael and calls me a douchebag for not coming =_=
1. i was home alone with no keys
2. no transport
3. i havnt showered or even brushed my teeth yet
4. its a wednesday wth is there to do at livo at 1pm
5. i had no money

this could all been better if they had told me like... in the morning not midday when at least someone from my house was home to fix all those problems =_= well not the showering one :3 i can do that by myself... i think

hrmmm thats about it... i have my first driving lesson rather than the one from school this saturday... finally i get to touch a car, i dont get why my rents dont let me touch a car... i know why they dont let my sis cause she's a "girl" and will crash and die cause she is scared mmhmm
but yeah driving is a good thing to be able to do, like its very troublesome to not know how to ... *stares at alan and john* bloody hell LOL have to drive them to places

oh oh ben asks me to buy more stuff from him on ebay and i questioned why cant he use his own parents card and u wouldnt guess what he said!
"they dont want me to buy porn with it"
like.. *facepalm*
1. what porn?
2. credit cards record what u buy on the bill =_=

yeah im not buying anything online for anyone unless they give me a reasonable tip or its something cheap *cough* under 20
like johns... 30 dollar shirt turning 110 dollar thingy
like cmon guys i dont even use it that much and i dont even have alot of money on the card =_=
and everytime i go over i have to pay 50 bucks, i gain nothing here... friendship points? LOL

and thats my holidays so far